Tuesday, August 3, 2021

July Owlcrate

Theme: Potions & Poisons

AH - what a good box! I did let my kids steal several items this time. I've been hoping to read this book! 
first peek

what a pretty and mysterious box

it had this cute jar in it! It's also funny timing, because I just went to an apothecary museum. 

poison tea towel

I've been eyeing this book! So happy to see it in the bottom of my box!!!

all the stuff!

Pin & bookmark & bubble bath & jar & sanitizer pouch & popsicle thingy & tea towel & book!

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Sweet & Bitter Magic

By Adrienne Tooley
359 pages
YA Fantasy 

It's a very pretty book. 

the page edges were a lovely lavender color


author letter & signature

author info 

It was a readable book, but it did feel super cliché at times, and fairly predictable. I did enjoy it, but I don't think I'll be compelled to read it again. 

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

The Ones We're Meant to Find

By Joan He
371 pages

I zipped through this book today. 

It was sad, and beautiful, and intriguing. 

It sounds like it would be very tech heavy, very classic dystopia. But it reads poetically and emotionally. 

Author info - also, take a peep at those beautiful end papers!

author letter 

Seriously wonderful book. Stand alone novel (Yay, I don't have to wait for a part 2!)

The Gilded Ones

By Namina Forna

Yay, it's a stand alone novel! 

Beautiful, right?


signed edition

letter from the author


The first page of the story

So, this book is full of surprises. Like ad early as chapter 2. I really enjoyed reading it! Great characters, satisfying ending, interesting world. 

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Wonder Woman: Rise of the Olympian

Gail Simone, Aaron Lopresti, Bernard Chang
204 pages

I impulsively picked this up at McKay's Used Books last time I went. 

I have not, in any way, kept up with the comics, so I had to look up a bunch of characters. 

like, almost everyone on this spread. 

But, I enjoyed reading it, and I loved the art. I think I'll keep my eye out for other compilations of the comics. 

creator info

Mister Impossible

By Maggie Stiefvater 
340 pages
YA Fantasy 
Book 2 of the Dreamer Trilogy 

I think second books are always hard. I often don't like them too much. They often feel like stepping stones rather than a thing that stands on its own. 

But I loved this one. It advanced the overarching storyline while still being its own thing. 

I don't know how legible this is, but: synopsis.

Of course, I had to do the refresher and read Call Down the Hawk first. I got both of these editions through Owlcrate, and they have the most beautiful art on the reverse of the covers. Left: Call Down the Hawk. Right: Mister Impossible. 

And, because I'm a total fan girl, I also bought the special edition from One More Page Books, which I got to have personalized and which came with a beautiful book wrap.

Taking off the book wrap reminded me that the Owlcrate cover wad also different colors. 

I am super curious how the whole trilogy will wrap up! I didn't predict the ending of Mister Impossible, and I have no clue what will happen next. 


Wednesday, May 5, 2021

A Song Below Water

By Bethany C. Morrow
286 pages
YA Fantasy 

What a gorgeous cover!

One protagonist is a siren, the other plays the character of a mermaid in the local Renaissance Festival. 

The first page. The book alternates POV between the two characters. 

Reviews! The mythological re-imaginings were super cool and well done. 

Author info. 

And I love that it's a self contained novel - not part of a series or anything. 
The ending was satisfying. 

Sunday, April 11, 2021

We Ride Upon Sticks

By Quan Barry
360 pages
YA Fiction 
Book Club

A field hockey book is not something I would probably have picked up on my own, but it was the book club pick, so I was willing to give it a try. 

It's like a modern Crucible. Sort of. 
Well, modern in that it's set in the late 1980s rather than the 1700s. 

It was rather slow going at first, honestly, because so much sports talk. 
But I finally got into it. 
I really liked the ending. It had surprises. 

author info

Would I read it again? No. Would I recommend it? Maybe if someone was really into witches, and high school coming of age stories, and had at least a passing interest in sports. 

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Ready Player Two

By Ernest Cline
YA SciFi
366 pages

Wow. What a satisfying sequel. 

The world has advanced and changed based on the events of book 1. The new quest is interesting.  The resolution is fantastic.  

Often sequels can be a let down, but this one did not disappoint. 

Just a super good book- and very compelling! I started it maybe 24 hours ago. 

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

These Violent Delights

By Chloe Gong
439 pages

A different take on Romeo and Juliet. In 1920's Shanghai. With monsters. 
The families are gangster families. 

It took me a long time to read this. I'm not entirely sure why - it was good. I think I've just been super busy. 

author info

Owlcrate edition was signed. 

The book is so pretty, and there is inside cover art. 

I love the notes from authors. 

There is a sequel planned.