Sunday, April 11, 2021

We Ride Upon Sticks

By Quan Barry
360 pages
YA Fiction 
Book Club

A field hockey book is not something I would probably have picked up on my own, but it was the book club pick, so I was willing to give it a try. 

It's like a modern Crucible. Sort of. 
Well, modern in that it's set in the late 1980s rather than the 1700s. 

It was rather slow going at first, honestly, because so much sports talk. 
But I finally got into it. 
I really liked the ending. It had surprises. 

author info

Would I read it again? No. Would I recommend it? Maybe if someone was really into witches, and high school coming of age stories, and had at least a passing interest in sports. 

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Ready Player Two

By Ernest Cline
YA SciFi
366 pages

Wow. What a satisfying sequel. 

The world has advanced and changed based on the events of book 1. The new quest is interesting.  The resolution is fantastic.  

Often sequels can be a let down, but this one did not disappoint. 

Just a super good book- and very compelling! I started it maybe 24 hours ago.