Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Summer read #15 My Plain Jane

By Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows
447 pages
Owlcrate exclusive

A humorous, funny, paranormal take on Jane Eyre.
The protagonist, Jane, who sees ghosts, leaves the terrible orphanage to become governess for Mr. Rochester's little girl. Her best friend, a ghost, goes with her. Her other best friend, Charlotte Bronte, follows soon after.
Jane Eyre's experiences fuel Bronte's writing.
Also, there is some romance. And a bunch of fun allusions. And ghosts.
It was amusing, and a good read.

It switches point of view for different chapters, which is sometimes really annoying to me, but I didn't find troublesome or distracting here.

I'm looking forward to the author event this evening! Finished reading just in time!

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