Friday, January 20, 2017

Baking Buttermilk bread-

Today I woke up and knew that all I wanted to do was bake and read.

So I tried to make buttermilk honey bread.

I used this recipe - which was literally the first one to come up on a Google search.

First, I couldn't find the yeast.
Well I found the jar in the spice cabinet - expired and open and unrefrigerated. Thought about using it anyway - but then I found the new and sealed and unexpired jar hiding in the pantry. Yay!

So I threw out the foamy experiment of old yeast and started fresh.

Next I needed to add buttermilk. Our powdered buttermilk had gone bad.
I threw it away.
I considered giving up.
I looked up substitutes for buttermilk.
You can do it, apparently, by adding a little white vinegar to normal milk.

So I made bread.

I burned the tops a bit - but I like it that way.


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