Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Where Dreams Descend

By Janella Angeles
447 pages (+ acknowledgements)
Naked Hardback

I dont think I've ever gotten a naked hardback book before. No dust jacket, just this glorious cover. 

And on the back. It's foil, and shiny, and gorgeous.

And signed, which always brings me joy.

It came with 2 super cute stickers! And aren't those endsheets pretty?

Letter from the author. 

Okay, so it's pretty. But what about the story? 
I can't cheat and take a picture of the jacket summary, so here goes:
Kallia is a female magician (in this world it is a male dominated field) who performs in the Hellfire Club. She likes performing, but she wants to go out there in the world. Leaving the club is difficult, but she manages early in the book and the rest of it takes place in a nearby city. Everything about the city is wrong. And then, bad things start to happen, but she's trapped. 
Also, there is a hot magician/judge of the contest she has entered. And a circus. 
Really, there is a LOT happening in this book. 
It's book 1 of ?
I'm guessing there will be 4 books, becuase there is a card motif so that equates to a book per suit?

Overall I enjoyed it. Interesting characters, magic system, setting. But it does feel very incomplete. 

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