Friday, January 20, 2017


By Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff


599 pages

I've been reading this book for weeks. I read 6 other books while I read this book.

On the surface - it's amazing; I especially love the crazy formatting.

Kady Grant - whose name I often forgot while reading and usually just mentally revered to as ByteMe - is part of a tag tag fugitive fleet...

Wait, it's not Battlestar Galactica.

Anyway, the refugee fleet is laboriously trying to survive and make it to safety while another ship hunts them down.

But - there is a contagion spreading through the fleet. Also, the battleship guarding them suffered major damage during the initial skirmish, rendering their systems faulty.

I had some trouble getting into it. Everything about it did seem compelling, but the way it was told - through transcripts etc. - gave me a bit too much distance from the characters. It didn't feel urgent to me. 

However, it did keep me coming back to it, and the last third is when I really got into the swing of it.

I know that there is a sequel/second book (oh, this is the start of a trilogy) however, I don't know that I feel the burning need to go get the next installment.

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