Tuesday, August 3, 2021

July Owlcrate

Theme: Potions & Poisons

AH - what a good box! I did let my kids steal several items this time. I've been hoping to read this book! 
first peek

what a pretty and mysterious box

it had this cute jar in it! It's also funny timing, because I just went to an apothecary museum. 

poison tea towel

I've been eyeing this book! So happy to see it in the bottom of my box!!!

all the stuff!

Pin & bookmark & bubble bath & jar & sanitizer pouch & popsicle thingy & tea towel & book!

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Sweet & Bitter Magic

By Adrienne Tooley
359 pages
YA Fantasy 

It's a very pretty book. 

the page edges were a lovely lavender color


author letter & signature

author info 

It was a readable book, but it did feel super cliché at times, and fairly predictable. I did enjoy it, but I don't think I'll be compelled to read it again.