490 pages
YA Fantasy
Books by Black Authors
This was just a fantastic book.
There is a secret society, magic, demons, oaths - set against the backdrop of college, early college for the protagonist.
It deals a lot in grief.
It's not all hack/slash kill the demons.
I also love that Bree is not amazing at everything. She doesn't pick up the weapons in the training arena and beat everyone who has been training their whole life.
It's obviously going to have a sequel, not sure if it's ramping up to be a duology or a trilogy.
The characters are great and diverse- not just becuase of race & confronting racial issues, but also it's perhaps the first mainstream YA books I've read with a non-binary character in an important role; they are not the protagonist. There are also several gay relationships. I feel that all of these are treated with respect by the author.
And another special bonus for us Owlcrate subscribers:
I loved this book and I'm really looking forward to the next one!